Monday, December 21, 2009

Implantation Bleeding 8 Days Before Period

Invitation to Italian Parliament

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Rome.
memorable day for all the 160,000 Sinti and Roma present throughout the national territory.
L'On. Gianfranco Fini ha voluto ricordare l'emanazione delle leggi razziali del 1938 che portò Sinti e Rom a subire l'olocausto durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

Il Convegno si è aperto con il discorso del VicePresidente della Camera Maurizio Lupi che ha definito l'evento come un'importante passo verso il riconoscimento Etnico linguistico e con l'occasione ha reso noto della creazione di un Osservatorio, all'interno del Parlamento, sul razzismo in Italia.

L'evento ha proseguito poi con il discorso di Radames Gabrielli, Presidente della Federazione Rom e Sinti Insieme, che ha invitato l'Italia a non dimenticare mai quello che Sinti e Rom hanno subito, e poter insieme raggiungere il tanto Ethnic Language awaited recognition.

Very moving was the screening of a documentary film by Luca Bravi after a precise historical reconstruction.
The day then ended with the testimony of a poem read by Roma and Sinti two girls accompanied by the notes of the fiddle
"The Gipsyes Vàganes: Lucky Colombo Gabrielli.
of Robert Gabrielli.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Does It Cost To Host A Concert

Newspaper: Special Elections

Is available (free) in electronic format (pdf) edition of the magazine distributed in October 2009.

The document can be viewed and downloaded, here.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sea Pro Boat Wiring Schematics

Vein Porcelain Glaze with light

Video of the installation with light Vein Porcelain Artist Boccini Nicola (CLS) in Eindhoven made 17 to 25 October 2009 to Ceramics & Architecture at the University of Architecture TU / and (Dutch Design Week 2009).

What Does Frequent Nausea Mean

Dance by Pierlugi Pompeii

Glaze Dance, video, Ceramics & Architecture 17 to 25 October 2009 in the pavilion Strijp-S (Dutch Design Week 2009) by artist Pierluigi Pompei a member of the CLS (Ceramica Libera Sperimentale)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Windows Movie Maker Wont Open My File

Merano (Bz), The Dream of the Micro-areas

Sinti, cohabitation and perspectives of the reality of "nomads" on our territory for the campers to protest Unitalia Sinigo, complains of the PDL Minniti, starting the collection of signatures to the District Assumption because the "field" under the Mebo be moved and dismantled. And they too are part of the choir, the "gypsies." That demand respect, offer interaction, have created an association and focus also on their view of the accusing finger towards the city: where are the areas of micro-projects? Between tension, misunderstanding, controversy, clearly one aspect, that of delays and uncertainties municipal. Election promises, repeated year after year and always return, to move the Roma camp in the Viaduct Mebo remained unanswered and now highly unlikely the results of the study for other technical solutions and new sites will be exposed, a few months before the vote. Among the first to call for a move from the confluence is they, the Sinti. "Even the syntax does not want to stay in condominiums - said Robert Gabriel - but then at the confluence of the field is a lager, four bathrooms for 80 people, conflict between families, a ghetto is not manageable and controllable. "The goal is that of micro-zone, size of extended family." It's the solution that has worked well everywhere - Gabriel insists - is not fair to impose on us forced integration in condominiums, we have too have a cultural background, values \u200b\u200brooted in our past that must be respected. In time, perhaps, the rapprochement between the two different realities can advance, but without force. "Returning the gypsy camp, the allegations of decay, petty crime and wasted little control you. "Who was born and raised in a ghetto, not to be a tuner to be at risk for delinquency: it happens in all ethnic groups and the realities of the world." We go back So the alternative of micro-areas. "We should be good, we would be willing to pay rent, to work, an alternative would also economical for the community to condominiums IPES." could be a gateway to other arrivals. "We Merano us for generations, our first value is the family rather than work, that's why we call micro-areas for extended families, even a way to solve the problem of our elders. "And here the ball Back to the City, its silences, its fears of the showdown on new settlements. Of course, we know that the technical study has identified four potential sites: among them the former goods yard at the end of a second away angry and dairy in the area but not in social ex military depot. Other rumors speak of a marginal land in Maia Alta, and one over the railway station. But break the wall of silence prompted by fear of the vote for mayor and moreover, it is almost impossible: and while the administration latita, tensions rise and rise emergencies. from Alto Adige

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pokemondeluge Legendary Pokemons


Sinto A new group was born in our province, as we see from the pictures, Katering service for parties and events.
or dinner buffet complete with flow.
A team united by a passion and desire to offer customers an atmosphere and flavors that come from the ancient tradition Sinta, with a touch of modern art and luxury.
For info contact email:
Or call this number: 3315291953.

Monday, September 7, 2009

How Do You Use Usb On Sony Tv?

when i talk to you

Zdarzenia X Festival of Theatre

In this performance by Pierluigi Pompei and Nicola Boccini , Both member of the CLS (Ceramica Libera Sperimentale) group, the starting point is ceramics. By
research, Pompeii and Boccini Developed an innovative approach Towards ceramic techniques and the use of ceramic artifacts.

Both artists share the passion for research and experiment and by this, draw the material beyond its boundaries , in an attempt to move its rigid borders in favor of free creativity.
Since years they make, with their original work, happenings and performances that unite different disciplines of art, like theatre, music and dance.

In this performance sound and light interact. The sound of a human voice is related to colour, interpreting several states of mind and emotions.

Porcelain Vein with light

Questa Performance utilizza come materiale principale la Ceramica realizzata con nuove tecniche create dai due Artisti evidenziando la ricerca e l’innovazione dell’opera d’arte ceramica in simbiosi con suoni e luci, rendendola dinamica ed espressiva.

La performance vuol creare una relazione tra il suono

della voce e il colore interpretando i vari stati d’animo ed emozioni.

È una mostra sperimentale alla sua prima esibizione, creata e ideata dai due Artisti internazionali del CLS (Ceramica Libera Sperimentale) Pierluigi Pompei e Nicola Boccini .

I due artisti da anni creano insieme alle loro innovative opere d’arte happening and performance as a message of unity among the

various arts such as theater, music, dance etc..

are connected by a passion for research and experimentation and pushing the material over itself, moving beyond the strict boundaries of his creativity and absolute freedom.

The area corresponds to the two artists the same intense passion, and we give in to their creative sharp, vibrating and sighs in shades never happen again.

Pierluigi Pompei and Nicola Boccini, ceramics to theater

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Schwinn Spinner Repair


In our province last year, will consist of other cultural associations of the population Sinta.

addition to "Nevo Drom" in Bolzano are:

Ass U Giaveno "Brixen,

Ass" Nevo Drom of Trent "and finally,

Ass" Sinti in the World "in Merano.

These associations, with the primary aim of achieving political recognition of the Sinti people, making every part, along with others from throughout Italy, an association called:

Federation Roma and Sinti Insieme ".

Goals individuals also have to know in their city, in the best way, culture, customs, and traditions of the people of the Sinti.

organizing cultural events, along with public institutions, it seeks to counter the serious situation of discrimination in our province and to make, in the best way, the autonomy of working Sinti.

Our aim as "Sinti in the World", and also create opportunities in Merano knowledge of our people.

Having a wealth of culture: music, cuisine, customs, style and experiences aquisito in the world of work; Hospitality, marketing, accounting, and more, we can compete with the Merano.

Our goal is to organize a class event, where art, music, and style Receivers are mixed with the luxury of Merano, a gala dinner at the new cultural center 'Kimm "Maia Bassa.

Dinner Cooking syntax, and table service by waiters Sinti, all by soft music accompaganato Sinti, Dessert after brief discussion of culture, in concert with the closure of

"The Gipsyes Vàganes.

this event. could demonstrate that we can contribute positively to the good Sinti appointment of Merano.

By Robert Gabrielli.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Internal Combustion #7


also Ass. Sinti in the World, August 2, 2009 together with Ass. Sucar Drom wanted to keep alive, in Mantua, the memory of the many victims Zigeunerlager Sinti and Roma in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

After sixty-five, wanted to bring this event to remind the local and national authorities that the Sinti and Roma are still discriminated against, whether in the first concentration camps, now in camps where living conditions are inhumane.
"The Sinti should be removed" and this phrase many municipalities in Italy they put into effect changes in mass evictions "saddled" the problem to another town near .......
Minister of Religion of "Evangelical Mission Zigana" Pastor Thomas has invited all people to remember the true meaning of life and to take a definitive position for us Sinti and Roma living in Italy for centuries.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tilted License Plate: Honda Civic

For who knows where ..

I love the stars that are my light,
with their splendor and the silver rays of the moon,
show me the path that will bring me somewhere.

The night I love to party,
dance until the morning around the fire,
and then ... yet again.
I love my music,
the violin and guitar,
that make me happy.

I like traveling and I do not want to stop!
after having traveled all over the world ...

When the sun goes down we stop,
violins and guitars begin to play,
start a big party,
lights a bonfire, dance around
until morning with joy and love,
eat drink under the moonlight and the stars.

When the sun rises,
resume our journey to nowhere,
in different places and people always new.

I love my world and my life!
because I'm free and happy!

Now this has become a dream for me,
now I cry, for my freedom.

Written by: Luciana Gabrielli (Serena), Sinta
of Merano.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Illinois Dupage County Jail Inmate Search

Capture the

Deruta moda.E interprets the essence of 'planned for Saturday, July 4 opening of the exhibition which will be located in the lobby of the Regional Museum of Ceramics Deruta entitled THE SCENT OF MAJOLICA, Deruta interprets the essence of fashion, sponsored by the town of Deruta and by ADI (Italian Association of Designers). Companies Deruta, in collaboration with designers and artists will create beautiful ceramic bottles of perfumes inspired by some of the most famous in the world. Will be given due emphasis to the manufacturers of wood lodged the history of the various scents that inspire the designers / artists, the ductility 'Deruta craft that always works with different sectors. Each designer with whom he collaborated with the craftsman and possibly with a representative of the producer, be reflected the link between the wood selected and the bottle made. It 's possible (and we're already working on this) to make traveling the world in this exhibition, especially at events or fashion design, and through collaboration with the city of Grasse, famous worldwide for the production of perfumes .
( )

Jeanne Lanvin would be the most beautiful gifts to celebrate the thirtieth birthday of his daughter Marie-Blanche: a perfume. André Fraysse asked to create a beautiful floral bouquet. Deliberately chose the most sought after species alfinchè his gift was "eternal." Marie-Blanche was a talented musician, which is why the perfume is called Arpege. In 1990, the fragrance will be reworded and updated always respecting the quality. Arpège still remains one of the greatest perfumes for women of all time. And to emphasize even more the relationship, mother and daughter are pictured on the bottle, a woman and a girl dancing to the sound of music. Which, if you close your eyes, you can even hear. a personal recollection: Arpege is a fragrance of my childhood. To prove that, since he was born, has never ceased to be fashionable. In fact my mother used it. And I always knew when it was coming because it was preceded by a slight powdery cloud, typical of this fragrance.

Container (harp) created by Nicola Boccini porcelain tiled
The concept:
- Narciso EVOCATIO -

How To Heat A Fishing Boat

Majolica Ceramics enters the fashion

The School of Ceramic Art Romano Ranieri Cinti in collaboration with Gianni (Ferré designer) has created a ceramic panel exposed to the art exhibition "4by5" the 4 elements and the 5 senses by architect Fabio Gigli magic of an art during the event.
The panel was made of porcelain with the bottom of alternate rows (glossy and matte) with a revised design in black.
The white shirt (Ferre collection) is supported by a crutch in China showing the same Righetto panel.
Panel 230 x 230 cm

Gianfranco Ferre shirt hanger with porcelain

The art exhibition is open until 4 by 5 to 30 September 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can Natural Yogurt Be Frozen?

ROME: Three children removed forcibly from their families

were taken from three children for Roma families who live in the "gypsy camp" of Castel Romano. The order was given by the Juvenile Court of Rome because of the hardship faced by families in the abduction was carried out by minori.La Social Services City of Rome, in collaboration with the Municipal Police XII Group, headed by Commander Rolando Marinelli, and a patrol of the Commissioner of Police Spinaceto. The social service was to steal three of these six children, but in the confusion created, managed to escape. The news is provided by Free and The One . Agency from sources we learn that one of the mothers of six children, understandably upset, threatened to kill himself with a knife and later tried to defend his son, threatening with a knife who had approached. The result is a confusion that has allowed less than three fuggire.Ad today we have only indirect confirmations but some considerations are due. Firstly, many Sinti and Roma children were taken away from their families to prejudices and stereotypes of the operators and the judges themselves. The extensive research Adoption of Roma / Sinti minority and child abduction gagé "commissioned by the Fondazione Migrantes the Department of Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Verona and the leadership of Prof. Leonardo Piasere, found that overall, data analysis shows the ease with which, in the different analyzed, social protection (service area) and civil (the Judicial) indifferentiation slip the identity of a Roma children with that of an abused child. As if the cultural "other" could hurt the baby. This is what I think many of the operators encountered by the research group. All Roma children, in this view of children become maltrattati.In Secondly you can not understand why we should violently steal children for families in need. The rules in fact provide that service to society should by all means support families and affordable to eliminate the uncomfortable situation. The removal of children is an extraordinary measure that can be deployed only in front of a very serious situation, such as abuse or violence detected. Certainly not to a simple disagio.Può but be something different from the simple discomfort as learned from news sources and therefore may be just the removal. In these cases the child who suffers expulsion, such as happened in Rome, will suffer an injury that will mark him for life. And then you add pain to dolore.Per this reason the ' Sucar Drom Association has for some years been promoting projects involving the training of magistrates and, with the objective of overcoming prejudices, stereotypes ... In addition, we are structured projects that include, in extreme cases, the direct involvement of the extended family and the whole community they belong to the child or the child who has suffered violence or abuse. Then the active, proactive, decision-making and operational efficiency of the extended family, the whole community and, if present, Roma or Sinti associations. The child who has abused or mistreated, is entrusted to a family belong to the group parent or family member of the community of the child or the child. All agreed and structured with the participation of the same family of bambini.In This will have the option not to suffer further trauma to the child and at the same time you have the ability to correct, with the important contribution of the whole community membership, evaluations or decisions taken perhaps in the wake emergency that almost always leads to making glaring errors which is then difficult to put rimedio.Ad today we are not aware of similar projects because all our associations and did not want to ever deal with these issues or have stopped at the simple support families who had suffered the theft of his own son. This attitude did not lead to any benefit and those who have suffered in this way demolente inactivity were especially many Sinti and Roma children who do not actually have been protected.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mad Gab Mania Remote Setup


The federation has a new board of directors after the meeting of June 23, 2009 which provides as President:
"Gabrielli Radames' chairman also of the Ass. "Nevo Drom" in Bolzano.
The Ass. "Sinti in the World" and also joined the Federation and is committed, along with other associations in the fight against Discrimination in the entire national territory.
We above all, we propose to work in the youth part where our future by proposing initiatives that appeal to young Sinti and showing that they, too, being Italian in effect, become the future of our country.

Is The Written License Test Hard In Connecticut


This was the final answer by the municipality of Merano after a meeting face to face with the due Assessori incaricati .

La questione però è rimasta aperta per il prossimo anno impegnandoci in una ricerca più dettagliata di un area, e con la promessa da parte del Comune, di un interessamento nei confronti dei Sinti evangelici.
Sono già tre anni che stiamo tentando di avere un convegno evangelico a Merano , purtroppo però sempre con risultato negativo. Il prossimo anno sarà il quarto e l'Ass. "Sinti nel Mondo" non ha intenzione di accettare altri motivi per la negazione del convegno, ma vuole avere il diritto, come scritto nella nostra costituzione Italiana, di avere la libertà di pregare il proprio Dio con la propria cultura e tradizione, interagendo con la popolazione locale e rispettarci a vicenda.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Do Ontario License Plates Say


Nella nostra provincia, in quest'ultimo periodo, si sta combattendo per i diritti di culto dei Sinti.
E impossibile per noi Sinti avere una chiesa nostra col fatto che le istituzioni negano il permesso di sosta alla Missione Evangelica Zigana, penso che sia inaccettabile appellarsi al fatto che mancano le aree di sosta per l'evento o addirittura si è preoccupati per le sicurezza locale mentre si permettono eventi di qualsiasi tipo e pensiero andando incontro a gravi rischi....
Venerdì 26 giugno l'associazione Sinti nel Mondo avrà un appuntamento con il Comune di Merano riguardo la negazione della domanda of the Convention's Evangelical July 1 to 15. Reason for denial: There are no suitable areas ... While it was made a detailed question consists of: Formal application ADIMEZ Formal application-ass. "Sinti in the World", the letter accompanying the minister, Pastor Henich Renato, and four detailed maps with possible areas to be filled. We
Sinti living in this country for generations and our culture is slowly disappearing, converted to Protestantism are rediscovering the true value of life and our traditions we want to praise God with our whole heart.

Where To Buy Coca Tea


Musicians of the Trentino Alto Adige for three generations, started with the great violinist:
Archilla Peter Gabriel, who thanks to his violin has saved their lives during the Second World War, creating a large family is the foundation for years to come the first musical group called "The Sons of Wind "," Vintakre Chave.

Until recently, this group was still being carried on by his sons with us grandchildren
U Sinti ".

Today, we continue to play grandchildren, carrying on our great tradition modernized.

The Gipsyes Vàganes: "The Sinti Ancients", a name chosen to return the old music of our ancestors, to this day with a bit of youth art and passion.

family Gabrielli more ....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Skull Beads For Braids


Last week trial and test with glazes high temperature, and then ...... the fascinating majolica technique on porcellena. The dream come true of the CLS. The 36 cities will be able to produce the ceramic porcellanaMaiolicata. The technique will be presented by the CLS and the School of Ceramic Art Romano Ranieri from Deruta, which is a partner in research and development of Ceramics.

glazed porcelain plate 1240 ° c with enamel and colored pigments

Another great contribution to artistic Italian artists of the CLS and the School of Ceramic Art Romano Ranieri Deruta

glazed porcelain plate from Deruta 1200 ° with colored pigments realizate Maestro Romano Ranieri

The presentation will be in September 2009, yet to define the place and the place.

porcelain plate designed by Valentina Boco Deruta Deruta with traditional classic decor