Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can Natural Yogurt Be Frozen?

ROME: Three children removed forcibly from their families

were taken from three children for Roma families who live in the "gypsy camp" of Castel Romano. The order was given by the Juvenile Court of Rome because of the hardship faced by families in the abduction was carried out by minori.La Social Services City of Rome, in collaboration with the Municipal Police XII Group, headed by Commander Rolando Marinelli, and a patrol of the Commissioner of Police Spinaceto. The social service was to steal three of these six children, but in the confusion created, managed to escape. The news is provided by Free and The One . Agency from sources we learn that one of the mothers of six children, understandably upset, threatened to kill himself with a knife and later tried to defend his son, threatening with a knife who had approached. The result is a confusion that has allowed less than three fuggire.Ad today we have only indirect confirmations but some considerations are due. Firstly, many Sinti and Roma children were taken away from their families to prejudices and stereotypes of the operators and the judges themselves. The extensive research Adoption of Roma / Sinti minority and child abduction gagé "commissioned by the Fondazione Migrantes the Department of Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Verona and the leadership of Prof. Leonardo Piasere, found that overall, data analysis shows the ease with which, in the different analyzed, social protection (service area) and civil (the Judicial) indifferentiation slip the identity of a Roma children with that of an abused child. As if the cultural "other" could hurt the baby. This is what I think many of the operators encountered by the research group. All Roma children, in this view of children become maltrattati.In Secondly you can not understand why we should violently steal children for families in need. The rules in fact provide that service to society should by all means support families and affordable to eliminate the uncomfortable situation. The removal of children is an extraordinary measure that can be deployed only in front of a very serious situation, such as abuse or violence detected. Certainly not to a simple disagio.Può but be something different from the simple discomfort as learned from news sources and therefore may be just the removal. In these cases the child who suffers expulsion, such as happened in Rome, will suffer an injury that will mark him for life. And then you add pain to dolore.Per this reason the ' Sucar Drom Association has for some years been promoting projects involving the training of magistrates and, with the objective of overcoming prejudices, stereotypes ... In addition, we are structured projects that include, in extreme cases, the direct involvement of the extended family and the whole community they belong to the child or the child who has suffered violence or abuse. Then the active, proactive, decision-making and operational efficiency of the extended family, the whole community and, if present, Roma or Sinti associations. The child who has abused or mistreated, is entrusted to a family belong to the group parent or family member of the community of the child or the child. All agreed and structured with the participation of the same family of bambini.In This will have the option not to suffer further trauma to the child and at the same time you have the ability to correct, with the important contribution of the whole community membership, evaluations or decisions taken perhaps in the wake emergency that almost always leads to making glaring errors which is then difficult to put rimedio.Ad today we are not aware of similar projects because all our associations and did not want to ever deal with these issues or have stopped at the simple support families who had suffered the theft of his own son. This attitude did not lead to any benefit and those who have suffered in this way demolente inactivity were especially many Sinti and Roma children who do not actually have been protected.


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