Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Internal Combustion #7


also Ass. Sinti in the World, August 2, 2009 together with Ass. Sucar Drom wanted to keep alive, in Mantua, the memory of the many victims Zigeunerlager Sinti and Roma in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

After sixty-five, wanted to bring this event to remind the local and national authorities that the Sinti and Roma are still discriminated against, whether in the first concentration camps, now in camps where living conditions are inhumane.
"The Sinti should be removed" and this phrase many municipalities in Italy they put into effect changes in mass evictions "saddled" the problem to another town near .......
Minister of Religion of "Evangelical Mission Zigana" Pastor Thomas has invited all people to remember the true meaning of life and to take a definitive position for us Sinti and Roma living in Italy for centuries.


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