Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Make A Vergina

Revelations and reflections of things-oni

Last night, at a pre-concert dinner with two other musicians and friends, M. recently announced that for the first time he happened to think about how it would be with a twenty. What is absolutely normal for charity. Indeed, it is strange that if asked just now. A friend ultraquarantenne and womanizer who was at the table with us said that this is just the beginning stages and it will cross, including one in which you may be wondering how a sixteen year old.
Now, Assuming that lately this thing is very much in vogue thanks to the head of the government, I hope at least that old M. not give the age (you always see if you take it).
Beyond this, such is life: the men are called by growing more and more fresh meat and women - at least myself - while not forgetting the fresh meat (we were not even in the butcher), have become intrigued by mature men, more firm, thick and experience.
Maybe it's because I found the young man who think so. Until now I had never raised the problem of my old age and the comparison with women her age, but because I do not look so old and he seems so young, but I realize that being well-drawn, without a firm and sore kidneys no longer part of my being.
Perhaps he never did, now that I think.
If I think of my childhood, I remember my father saying that the forty year old woman is good in thirty years. There, he said, is the flower of femininity because it is aware and fully.
be, but just slightly beyond them, the thirty years, you begin to look in the mirror in the morning and see the lines - commonly known as wrinkles - in their eyes, and behold you so often in the mirror that reflects you as a whole. The problem is not the feeling of falling, because I do not feel it yet, but continue to have the head first, and note that the mirror returns every year, a face is always different, less adherent to what the brain expects.
The key, said Esmeralda, an artist known only yesterday evening, remain attached to their essence. So even if the mirror does not give us satisfaction, its own light shine, we will be beautiful even for old people.
I'll try, I promise. I'm attached to my essence as a mussel to the rock.

So why wake up a week I always swollen eyes?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chemotherapy Gift Basket


A bunch of artichokes in a pot.

Fancy with hazelnut hazelnuts.

white scarf.
Five pots of primroses .
Thoughts of radical changes.
evenings on the orange couch buried in blankets.
A book by John Fante.
A cabinet bamboo found in the trash, perfect for the porch.
Sleep comes soon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Do You Recover From A Hip Pointer

bad language, and various protests

Here I am, in front of the PC while the TV and the stove, putting into practice the ability to follow more feminine things at the same time.
For example, put in the oven while the biscuits I thought to put the crumbs of the old ones in the house of birds and at the same time I poisoned the blood with a black humor, thinking that sooner or later we will see our head of government in one of his usual television reported, but this time worldwide, and shield his head in a Darth Vader helmet about to say that the universe is going to sue.
TV, here is drugs and the poison of our century. I hope it's almost finished, that century. La7 (network still salvageable Italian TV) have announced the start of a program where you can find a job by participating in a TV game show.

I want to protest, if he had not understood. Some reason I have it though. The first of February I am going to buy a monthly subscription of 40 km from train and discovered that irritated euro has jumped from 49 to 57. Just the day before I arrived at school an hour late because my train caught fire and the conductor has dropped in the wrong way on the platform of a station of poor attendance, saying that would bring the train to the next (which stopped most trains).
not describe the conditions of the next train if briefly: sardines airless, we and others waiting for the next train on a four carriages at rush hour.
Well, the ticket increases, and this sudden increase is expected to improve the service. I realize that a few weeks ago I realized that they are redoing the floor of the station cells. I do not remember the shabby, actually. Now the big agave plant that was to the mountains along the track 3 is well boxed in a square of concrete in the middle of track 2. They are the great works of gardening fs that are beautiful to Italy.
Last Thursday, in my semi-clear morning, I go on errands in Savona and then so I take the train from there. It's been a year since we passed and I noticed that the re-styling has touched too. A dusty construction site without guidance and, of course, the usual new floor instead of the balance, with old concrete benches. In the lobby, a ticket office and a handful of bare-bones stores useless except for the newspaper.
I beat the pee forcefully and seeking a bathroom. After several spins I find, brand new: a clear, neat and lacquered red door with the word toilet. Well, I arrive at the limit of capacity of my bladder and a piece of paper stuck with tape says that unfortunately the toilet is broken, but assures that the supporting platform 1 there is another. Narrow legs to get there because it is right at the bottom and I find the usual piss toilet without closing the doors to Turkey.
I do what I need and then throw the paper out nervous.
Finally - and here I close or almost - I get on the train carefully selecting a seat is not filthy. Here is the result of an increase of € 8: gleaming stations to watch, but certainly not from a second-class train and even by them, at least if you have a full bladder.

Tomorrow is the manifestation of the women we all know, thanks to television and even Internet, with the TV that shares a subset of information.
also near where I live there will be and I'm thinking of going there.
Sometimes I think of when my mother told me that I went to a lot of feminist demonstrations by well-known diamond symbol with their hands and shouting pussy is not ours and we take it, if ever there with his finger the meniamo (sorry eh, but the bottom is a quote).
Today you go with a white scarf to show why the f not, but the femininity of women is no longer theirs. It 'been violated by men who have imposed (with our approval) of the models in which a woman must undergo if it wants to please a man and a career.
are not all like that, men, fortunately, but unfortunately, intelligent men, critics, fans and maybe love is transfigured into a mask of stupidity when they find each other and make comments or jokes about women, generally those dumplings pussy because only processed in the genitals.
shame that women do not ever say "I saw a cock in the street." Indeed, a "dick" is a fool-nothing in common language, and perhaps there will be a reason. "I did not do fuck-all" I did not mean anything and everybody knows who is an idiot.
That said, I love a man and even more, if you want love in its broadest sense. I love my father, I loved my grandfather very much and I love my male students and wondered what I see in them a man to grow up first.
But something has to change and change must be solid and broadened.

The other night, bed I said to M. it is strange that despite women need other women, are comfortable with other women and are much more similar to other women, then share their home and their lives with a man and sometimes in a spirit of selflessness.
He took over the staff and not too well.
Maybe I should say to a woman.
That's life, however, women (women's plurality, not masculine singular).

Difference Between Urine Culture And Urinalysis

Experimental Ceramics at the National Museum of Gdansk

After the preview Parisian hours throughout the exhibition and art / r / evolution is shown in all its fullness to the National Museum in Gdansk (Poland) on Saturday, February 26, opening day, the April 26, 2011. For the first time the collected works of CLS in a unique touring exhibition, 2010 - 2013, avant-garde. Boccini Nicola, Giuseppe Agamennone, Pierluigi Pompei, Pzremyslaw Lasak, Malgosia Turlo, David Roberts, Ricky Boscarino, Francky Criquet, Marino Ficola, Romano Ranieri, Gaia Pace, Alisa Dumas. I 10 artisti e le due Designers mostrano il lavoro di ricerca e sperimentazione nel mondo della ceramica, con opere d'arte inedite. Il titolo non è casuale, Evolution art Revolution, l'evoluzione e la rivoluzione in campo dell'arte della ceramica.

Inaugurazione mostra 26 Febbraio 2011 ore 16:00 presso la il Museo Nazionale di Danzica
Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku (National Museum in Gdansk) ul. Toruńska 1, 80-822 Gdańsk
tel. +48 58 301 70 61 internal: 229